Restricted content

What are Gems?

Gems is a "premium currency" for this website, for a very easy to understand explanation.

With these Gems, you can buy exclusive (or premium) content. The price for each chapter is dependant of how long the said chapter is. If the chapter is short, then a minimum of a single coin will be the the price point.

What are Exclusive/Premium Content?

Exclusive/Premium content are chapters that's only released on this website. Here are the content that will be tagged as exclusive:

  • Any 18+ Content
    • Pornographic
    • Fetish related (NBM, etc.)
  • World of Ultima
  • They Call Me The Demon Lord
  • And more...

Content that won't be set as Exclusive, are stories that also gets published on my Scribble Hub account.

However, there may also be chances that some of the Exclusive chapters (only a select few) being released on my Deviant Art page as "parts" or "previews". So be on the look out if anything catches your eye.

Each purchase will help greatly, no matter if it's just a single gem.

1 Gem equals to 10 SEK (around 0.96 USD or 0.88 EUR)

You need to be logged in to buy gems.